Created documents for CRIS UNS and PHD UNS


The statement of PhD on the usage of the doctoral thesis in e-form


Research presented in a few papers claim that publishing research under open access licences improve impact and citations of research within world science community. According to the legal acts in Serbia, copyrights on a Ph.D. dissertation belong to a student who wrote the dissertation, not to an institution in which the dissertation has been defended. Therefore, the legal department of the University of Novi Sad created a statement which allows students to publish its dissertations under open-access license. 


The statement of PhD on the usage of the doctoral thesis in e-form


Data about my PhD are as follow:




Defending date:


I give permission to the University of Novi Sad Central Library to enable in the software system

CRIS UNS open access to my doctoral thesis in e-form for everybody who respect the terms of

use from the chosen Creative Commons licence type entitled Attribution – NonCommercial,

meaning that I let the others remix, tweak, and build upon my work non-commercially, if they

acknowledge me as an author in a way and by accepted rules og te academic citation.


                                                                                                                   Signiture of PhD

Novi Sad, ___________                                                                         ___________________



Discussion on initiatives of development CRIS UNS


Members of University of Novi Sad Senate reviewed the initiative of Development Center CRIS UNS and accepted it on 7th session of University of Novi Sad Senate held on March 7, 2013


Conclusion of 7th session of University of Novi Sad Senate held on March 7, 2013





Senate chair dr. Miroslav Vesković allowed emeritus professor and leader of Development

Center CRIS UNS dr. Dušan Surla and head of the University of Novi Sad Central Library dr.

Mirjana Brković to address the Senate, so they informed Senate members that the initiatives of

Development Center are aimed to arrange the future work and usage of Public Online Service 

for Retrieval and Access to Doctoral Thesis Defended at the University of Novi Sad – CRIS UNS,

which will contribute to visibility of authors of PhD thesis, as well as the faculty where it was

created and the University of Novi Sad.

Dr. Dušan Surla explained the following initiatives:


                                               1.  Senate of the University of Novi Sad should oblige Student Services for PhD Studies or 

                   some similar faculty services to enter metadata from key documentation and data for

                   PhDs’ promotion in software system CRIS UNS starting from January the 1st 2013 on.

    2. Senate should approve the procedure in which signing of Statement of doctorand on usage

        of PhD thesis in e-form (Izjava doktoranda o korišćenju doktorske disertacije u

        elektronskom formatu) become the condition to upload the e-version for public review via

        web page of the University of Novi Sad. Student Services for PhD Studies or similar

        faculty services should be obliged to offer each doctorand to sign Statement of doctorand

        on usage of PhD thesis in e-form (Izjava doktoranda o korišćenju doktorske disertacije u

        elektronskom formatu) in the moment when he submit the e-dissertation for public review

        which lasts one month. Signed statement should be enclosed to the rest of documents in

        the doctorand's file. The form of Statements... should be approved by Senate.

    3. Senate should approve signing of Statement of PhD on usage of PhD thesis in e-form for

        PhDs who have previously defended their doctoral thesis, and the University of Novi Sad

        in cooperation with Development Center CRIS UNS should organise the process of this

       Statement signing.

Members of University of Novi Sad Senate reviewed the initiative of Development Center CRIS UNS

and accepted it.