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Dragan Ivanović: Personalization of search on a digital library of PhD dissertations by re-ranking search results based on automatic user personalization and recommendation.

July 2016.

Dragan Ivanovic alive

Paper Non-English PhD dissertations and associated English journal papers was presented at the conference ETD 2016 "Data and Dissertations"



We were at CRIS 2016 conference "Towards the Information System for Research Programmes of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia" Dragan Ivanović, Dušan Surla, Miroslav Trajanović, Dragan Mišić and Zora Konjovic.


Conference programme



The dissertation Model objektno orijentisane klasifikacije u identifikaciji geoprostornih objekata  written by Dušan Jovanović has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Predlog nove mere za ocenu kvaliteta slike priliko interpolacije i njena implementacija u računarskoj obradi signal slike  written by Sanja Maksimović-Moićević has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Razvoj nanoslojnih i nanokompozitnih metal-nitridnih prevlaka  written by Aleksandar Miletić has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Proširiv i prilagodljiv okvir za statičku analizu nezavisnu od ulaznog jezika written by Rakić Gordana has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Prilog projektovanju, konsolidaciji i transformacijama ograničenja torke šeme baze podataka, zasnovan na platformski nezavisnim modelima written by Obrenović Nikola has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Modeli dijagnostike stanja i njihov uticaj na pouzdanost motornih vozila written by Janjić Nenad has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Optimalno i suboptimalno podešavanje parametara robusnih linearnih regulatora necelog reda written by Jakovljević Boris has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Inteligentni multiagentski sistemi zasnovani na distribuiranom ne-aksiomatskom rezonovanju  written by Mitrović Dejan has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Model za unapređenje održavanja železničkih vozila primenom dijagnostičkih sistema  written by Đorđević Života has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Procena cerebralne autoregulacije primenom apnea testa kod simptomatske karotidne stenoze pre i posle karotidne endarterektomije  written by Lučić Prokin Aleksandra has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Apsolutno određivanje aktivnosti gama emitera pomoću jednog detektora  written by Zoltan Geler has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source



The dissertation Apsolutno određivanje aktivnosti gama emitera pomoću jednog detektora  written by Nemeš Tomas has been set up for public review through the PHD UNS digital library.


Original source
